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Loyalty program

Welcome to our members-only area, an exclusive place where every purchase brings you closer to exceptional rewards. By signing up for our loyalty program, you will earn points with every order, benefiting from discounts on future purchases.

How does it work?

Create an account

Simply create an account to join our Club and take advantage of the first benefits offered.

Earn points

Earn points for every order you place, by joining our networks or leaving us your feedback.

Use your points

Use your points by exchanging them for vouchers or free products. It's that simple.

How do I earn points?

Place an order

1€ = 1 point

Create an account and follow us on social networks

+10 points

Leave us your opinion

+15 points

Subscribe to our newsletter

+30 points

Redeem your points for


The more points you accumulate, the better the rewards! Collect points and take advantage of increasing discount coupons to save on future orders. Reach certain levels and you will receive free products, such as items from our bakery, pantry and ceramics. Treat yourself to the unique benefits reserved for our loyal customers.

Take advantage of ever-increasing benefitsOur levels

Our levels

Join our loyalty program for free, move up the levels and enjoy increasingly incredible offers as you order.


0 points

Exclusive offers all year round
Access to private sales
Birthday present


350 points

Exclusive offers all year round
Access to private sales
Birthday present
Access to exclusive products
10% off all your purchases


600 points

Exclusive offers all year round
Access to private sales
Birthday present
Access to exclusive products
20% off all your purchases
Priority access to brand events


A journey into the treasures of Sicily

Frequently Asked Questions

Regolamento Petali d'Oro

Iscrivendoti al sito, accetti i Termini e Condizioni del sito e il Regolamento del programma fedeltà Petali d’Oro.